Symptoms of Osteosarcoma
Here are some signs and symptoms of osteosarcoma:
- The pain and pain in the bones or joints.
- Lack of body movement.
- Pain when touched, swelling, or lumps around the bone or the bone ends.
- Lame, if the tumor is a lump in the foot.
- The breakdown of bone caused by something abnormal or fractures in routine movement.
- Pain when lifting something. This occurs if the bump is in the hands.
Usually affected by osteosarcoma bone is the femur, tibia and knee joint. Tumors can also form on the shoulder bone, pelvis, or jawbone.
Causes of Osteosarcoma
Conditions that lead to the development of osteosarcoma derived from the genetic code errors in the DNA of a child. The error code causes the cells responsible for bone growth creates osteosarcoma tumor.
In some cases, osteosarcoma can also be caused. The only external factors that can cause osteosarcoma is exposure to radiation.
Diagnosis Osteosarcoma
Diagnosis is a step the doctor to identify the disease or condition that explains the symptoms and signs experienced by the patient. To diagnose osteosarcoma, the doctor will do the following:
- Blood tests. The function of the blood test is to detect cancer of the bone of changes in blood content. Overview results of blood tests also can tell whether your condition such as osteosarcoma or arthritis.
- Bone scan. This procedure is performed by injecting radioactive material into a vein. Normal bone is slower to absorb the radioactive material than bone problems. Then do the X-rays to look at the ratio of the absorption of radioactive material.
- CT scan. This test serves to give information on the spread of bone cancer to other organs.
- MRI scan. The results of this procedure can produce detailed images of bone as well as information on the spread of bone cancer.
- Positron emission tomography. This test will show how the organ or tissue to work with radioactive materials are used.
- X-ray imaging
- Biopsy. If the imaging tests found signs of osteosarcoma, the patient requires a biopsy. The surgeon will take a sample of tissue or bones of the body that feels pain or swelling.
Osteosarcoma usually can be known from the outset. Children or teens would say about the pain, or it could be because parents saw the swelling and gait imbalance.
Treatment of Osteosarcoma
How osteosarcoma treatment depends on the severity and location of osteosarcoma. Measures of treatment is also done after the process is complete tumor biopsies. Generally, osteosarcoma treated with some action, namely:
- Surgery. This action is performed to remove the tumor.
- Radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Usually both these actions are taken before surgery, to kill cancer cells. The difference, chemotherapy using drugs, while radiation therapy uses X-rays
- Surgical removal of bone and amputation. This procedure can be done if it does not happen outside of the spread of cancer to the bones or if new cancer spreads in the tissue around the bone. While the amputation will be done if the cancer has spread to the nerves, blood vessels, and skin.
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